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Moving While Pregnant: What to Expect When Your'e Expecting

Pregnant wife with partner sitting on floor in new home

Expecting a bundle of joy and thinking about moving? First off, congratulations! That’s wonderful news. Both bringing a baby into the world and moving mark significant new chapters in life. If you’re debating whether to handle both a move and pregnancy at the same time, we understand your dilemma. This month’s blog is here to help you weigh the pros and cons of moving while pregnant versus waiting and moving with a newborn and explain how we can assist you with either decision. So, whether you’re moving during pregnancy or with a baby, keep reading for tips to make the process easier!

Moving During Pregnancy

Moving while pregnant can be stressful. Your body is already working overtime to grow a baby and now you have to organize everything you own into cardboard boxes, tape them up and load them onto moving trucks. Even without being pregnant, this is hard work, but it’s not impossible. With some A+ planning, the right team and solid support, moving during pregnancy is doable. There are even some benefits to moving while pregnant! With the tips below, you can ensure an efficient move and focus on resting up for your newest addition to the family.

Benefits of Moving House While Pregnant

The Nesting Instinct

Moving while pregnant offers the benefit of the nesting instinct, a natural urge to prepare your home for the baby before labour begins. This instinct peaks in the third trimester, providing expecting mothers with a surge of energy to clean and organize. If this urge coincides with your move, seize the opportunity. Harness this burst of energy before the demands of newborn care set in. Use it to plan the nursery layout, begin packing essentials or organize items necessary for your baby’s arrival.

Waiting to Move Puts Babies Sleep at Risk

Babies thrive on routine and all stages of the moving process can affect their sleep pattern. Before the move, your baby’s usual schedule will likely be disrupted, leading to shorter or missed naps. On moving day, sleep can be difficult for everyone, especially if you’re moving long-distance with a baby and have to stay in unfamiliar places like hotels. This may cause your baby to wake more often and struggle with naps and bedtime. After the move, new surroundings may continue to disrupt sleep patterns, with babies waking frequently or struggling to fall asleep. Moving long distances, whether across the country or internationally, can further complicate sleep routines due to factors like jet lag from different time zones, which can significantly impact babies even with just a small time difference.

Tips for Safely Moving House While Pregnant

  • Talk to Your Doctor About Moving While Pregnant

Next time you have a doctor’s appointment, make sure to mention your upcoming move. Your doctor can provide valuable tips and advice tailored to your pregnancy. They can help customize a moving plan that suits your specific needs, considering that each pregnancy is unique.

  • Give Yourself Plenty of Time to Pack

Begin the packing process at least a month before your move date. Start with a room that isn’t frequently used and pack its contents gradually. Aim to complete one room every few days. Allowing yourself plenty of time to pack will give you added comfort and peace of mind on moving day.

  • Pack Essential Pregnancy Items in Clear Bins

During your pregnancy, there are likely a few essential items you can’t go without. Make a list of these items well before moving day so you can pack them in a last-minute “essentials kit”. Some items you may want to include are your go-to pregnancy snacks, prenatal vitamins and favourite comfortable maternity clothes. Using a clear bin for these essentials is best as it allows you to see what’s inside and find items easily. In addition to these pregnancy must-haves, pack a separate essentials bag for the hospital. Be sure to include comfortable loose clothing, toiletries, socks and slippers, chargers, any entertainment to pass the time during early labour or your hospital stay and important documents like your birth plan and insurance card.

  • Let Others Take Care of the Heavy Lifting

Pregnancy isn’t the time for bending, lifting and handling heavy items. For the health and safety of you and the baby, it’s best to avoid moving heavy furniture. Instead, considering asking friends, your partner or hiring a trusted moving company like Bird’s Moving. Plan ahead so everyone knows their roles come moving day.

  • Have a Plan in Place for the New House

Having a well-thought-out plan is essential for a successful move. Before moving day arrives, decide where you want your furniture to go in your new home. Using tools like colour-coded labels will help you keep track of each box amidst the chaos of moving. If you notice something doesn’t fit right the day of the move, don’t hesitate to ask for help rearranging things while you still have the extra hands available.

  • Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to any signals your body sends during the move. If you start feeling tired or sluggish, take breaks to rest. Keep snacks and drinks easily accessible in your essentials bin to avoid searching through boxes. Staying nourished and hydrated is crucial to avoid unnecessary stress on your body, which could affect your baby.

  • Keep any Baby Items Bought Beforehand in Boxes

Anticipate an outpouring of gifts from family and friends as your due date approaches. Whenever possible, keep them in their original boxes to simplify your move. Transporting a crib that’s still boxed is easier than one that’s already assembled. Plus, storing them boxed ensures everything remains clean and ready for your new baby.

Moving With a Newborn

Moving with a newborn might conjure daunting images of new parents amidst piles of boxes and a crying baby. However, like many challenges in life, it’s all about how you approach it. There are ways to make moving with a baby a positive experience. Depending on your new location, you can enlist trusted relatives or friends to help watch over your new baby, even if it’s just for a few hours while you unpack. To illustrate how manageable moving with a baby can be, let’s explore some of its benefits.

Benefits of Moving with a Baby

Baby Bump Be Gone!

Even if you’re still not feeling your best (it’s a process, ladies), at least you won’t have a baby bump to contend with while you unpack and arrange your new space. This can make it much easier to organize everything. However, depending on how recently you had your baby, you’re likely still recovering from childbirth, so remember to be kind and patient with yourself.

Babies are Great at Helping You Meet New People

If you’re moving to a new neighbourhood, you might feel a bit anxious about meeting new people. Babies can help with this! Instead of awkward ice-breakers, they naturally connect with other moms in the neighbourhood. Before you know it, those initial jitters are a thing of the past and you and your baby are starting to feel more at home.

Tips for Moving with a Baby

  • Strategize Packing: Anyone who’s moved before knows that packing requires strategy, especially when a baby is in the picture. Begin by packing non-essential items first, labelling each box as you go. Save essentials like diapers, blankets, wipes and favourite toys for closer to moving day.
  • Keep a Consistent Routine for Your Baby: During the move, there may be disruptions to nap times and feeding schedules but aim to maintain your baby’s routine as much as possible. Keeping their schedule consistent isn’t just beneficial for the baby – it can also provide you with a sense of stability amidst the chaos and stress of moving.
  • Unpack the Nursery First: Ensuring your baby has a calm and comfortable space is crucial. Prioritizing the unpacking of the nursery among the first rooms can help achieve this.
  • Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help: Moving can be chaotic before, during and after. If you find yourself needing support at any point, don’t hesitate to reach out. Whether it’s a family member or friend who can watch your baby, either at your old home, new home or elsewhere, it can greatly lighten your load.
  • Babyproof Your New Home. It’s important to babyproof your home as soon as possible, even if your baby won’t start walking for a while. This includes installing smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, securing furniture and windows and more.  

Moving House is Always Easier With Bird’s: Contact us Today!

Moving with a newborn or during pregnancy is made easier when you choose Bird’s Moving & Storage. Trusting a professional moving company like Bird’s takes the weight off your shoulders. Our team of professional movers and packers can manage every detail of your move, ensuring a smooth experience from beginning to end, whether you’re moving long distance with your baby or a short distance while pregnant. Contact us today to start planning your move.
